08 June 2005

An experience.

Today I want to share one experience with you.

I met Mrs. Uma Sudarshan who came down from the US for a few days. She was my first teacher and incidentally I was her first student. She had started a kindergarden school and I was the first student to be enrolled. We have shared some wonderful moments together and I know that what I am today is because of the rock solid foundation she laid in the formative years of my life.

She is returning to the US today, so on my way to work I met her for a brief 5 minutes. While parting she gave me a hug. She held on to me for 2 minute. Those 2 minutes felt like all the warmth of the 26 years of my life wrapped into those brief moments. We said nothing. I left. I noticed tears in her eyes when I turned around.

How 2 minutes are all it takes to say, "you mean a lot to me".


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